A rain god,
the fog born on the ground
gets swallowed.
the fog born on the ground
gets swallowed.
Original text in Catalan language:
Un déu de pluja,
al terra neix la boira
quan se l’empassa.
Josep Vilà i Teixidó
.- translation from Catalan to English by Irene Roca and Rakesh Mohan Hallen.
Original published in " THE SECRET, la revista " :
.- in english language : http://www.thesecretlarevista.com/en/49/1539/Fog.html
.- in catalan language : http://www.thesecretlarevista.com/ca/49/1502/Boira.html
. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/note.php?note_id=10150120277841847
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